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Last updated: July 13, 2012
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(June 2012)
- 陈燕珍5月中旬回国, 6月8日她作东宴请大家,十多位同学们欢聚一堂,几十年没见面,都有说不完的活,大家希望明年校庆时有更多同学相聚.
(August 2011)
- 我們敬愛的俞述翰老師已于12月5日逝世(見報).
Our deepest condolences to the family.
(December 2010)
严振华,蔣嘉莘,顧可敬,龚民义,毛羽全 在上海七宝欢乐谷歡聚.
(October 2010)
唐安泰 came to US early this year and is now reside in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. 龔民義 and 王汝龍 went to see him on September 1st. And here are few photos[1] [2].
(September 2010)
- 蔡光天先生已于8月14日因肠癌逝世。定于28日开追悼会。
Our deepest condolences to the family.
(August 2010)
沈文虎(他在广西卫生干部学院任教,电话0771--2844906)最近回沪,大家聚了一次,五十年不见了,大家有说不完的话,陆仁还特地从无锡赶来, 附上陆仁传来的欢迎沈文虎的照片,沈文虎是一付教授的风度.
(July 2010)