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Last updated: January 9, 2016
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Photo Albums
- Our classmate
Dr. Lou Shituo (楼世拓)
passed away on December 18, 2015. Our deepest condolences to the family.
Click here for "纪念楼世拓博士".
(January 2016)
- 崔绍农 and 张文 visited 楼世拓 and 姚琦 in Miami in June. Click here for photos.
(June 2011)
- 郑国莱
特此通告大家,为盼尽早回复! 联谊会秘书组 郑国莱 2010.12.8
(January 2011)
- Stanley drove cross-country in November. While in El Paso, Fan Weimin treated Stanley a big steak dinner.
(November 2010) - 顧可敬 send this picture from Shanghai.
(October 2010)
- Zhenyuan Wang (王震源): Following "Fuzzy Measure Theory" (1992) and "Generalized Measure Theory" (2008), his third book "Nonlinear Integrals and Their Applications in Data Mining" (with Rong Yang, Kwong-Sak Leung) was published in July of this year by World Scientiffic.
(July 2010)
- Zhenyuan Wang (王震源) is back to his post in University of Nebraska Omaha after sabbatical. From October to December 2009, he gave invited lectures on nonlinear integrals and their applications at the Chinese Academic of Sciences, the Hebei University, the Tianjin University, the Normal University of Tianjin, the North China Electric Power University, and the Hebei University of Science and Technology. Some links are as follows:
(February 2010)
- 胡美琛 電邮:去年10月7日女同学(还有三位男同学)在南京路新世界商场顶楼饭店相聚,发几张合影.
- 黄智强 電邮: 去年1月10日林进福兄热情邀请大家去他家相聚.先由国莱兄组织.去的同学有二十人左右.除上海同学外,尚有杭州的董太享,无钖的华俊荣他们远道赶来.更增加了热烈气氛.进福兄全家出动,热忱招待,使大家心里暖洋洋的.进福兄很客气地说,我只是为大家建了一个相聚的平台.以后有机会再来相聚.当时拍照畄念的有叶秀明兄与我,我共拍了二十多张.
- 数学科学学院
(January 2010)
- Fan Weimin
and wife visited New York and met with Stanley one evening. They also toured New York and Canada.
(May 2009)
- Stanley
will be in Los Angeles to visit his daughter from April 16 through 23. He will meet Zhang Youhong there. He also planned to be in Shanghai in October to join the Yangzhou reunion.
(April 2009)
- Zhang Wen
is visiting his daughter in Boston area. He has been
to New York City and Storrs, Connecticut, and will be back to Shanghai on March 3.
(February 2009)
- Our classmate Zhong Yixi
(钟以禧) passed away on June
18, 2007, he suffered a heart attack at the office. Our deepest condolences to
the family.
(March 2008)
- Stanley
stayed in Miami with Shituo and Yao Qi at end of another Red Cross job.
(September 2007)
- Our classmate
Cao Jiading (曹家鼎)
passed away early August,. Our deepest condolences to the family.
- Gui Zuhua and his wife visited their son in
Vancouver, Canada in May, and met Gu Kejing there.
(June 2007)
- Our classmate Yi Xianbao
(尹仙保) passed away on February
10, 2007, the cause of death is kidney failure. Our deepest condolences to
the family.
- Gui Zuhua
and his wife are staying with their daughter in US now. He is busy working
on his next book "New View On Vectors",
to be published late this year. As always he looks forward to contact with
He can be reached at:300 Senate Court, Herndon, VA 20170-5487,
Tel:1-703-481-8950, or E-mail.
(February 2007)
- Stanley
Visited Las Vegas during Thanksgiving week and met Zhang Youhong there.
(November 2006)
- Ding Ren
is teaching in University of Alabama at Mongomery from August to mid-December.
He can be reached at 334-844-65554. He will visit Yao Qi/Lou Shituo in Miami from
December 18 to 20 before heading back to China.
(September 2006)
- Qing Dao Reunion took palce in mid-July and here are photos from classmates. Check here often for new pictures.
(July 2006)
- Stanley
has been active in volunteer work for the American Red Cross. On a recent trip he met Yao Qi and Lou Shituo at their home in Miami.
(July 2006)
- Fudan 100 draw many classmates to Shanghai in September and October this year, and here are many PHOTOS too.
(September/October 2005)
- A small reunion in New York City
- Bian Guorui, Gao Xiongfei, Wang Zhenyuan, & Stanley
met in Flushing, New York City on January 4, 2005.
(January 2005)
- Bian Guorui and wife are visiting their daughter in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
They will stay till late February and can be reached at (201) 346-1168.
They visited west coast early December and met Jin Ruichun in San Francisco,
and Zhang Youhong in Las Vegas.
- Yao Qi came back from a trip to Shanghai recently,
and here are some photos.
(December 2004)
- Wang Zhenyuan's daughter in New Jersey is expecting their
first grandchild, he and wife will visit her in November/December.
- Stanley
came back from his trip on Oct. 11; during the trip he met Jin Ruichun in San Francisco, Zhang Youhong in Las Vegas,
Zhong Yixi in Houston, and Gui Zuhua in Herndon, VA.
(October 2004)
- Gu Kejing is a first-time Grandfather on September 7 to
a Grandson, weight in at 4.1 kg. Congratulations!
- Zhong Yixi's wife came to US recently, and they have moved to a new home.
Their son will join them soon.
- Gui Zuhua and his wife are visiting their daughter in US again.
They will stay until next March. They welcome classmates to visit. Their address
in US is: 300 Senate Court, Herndon, VA 20170-5487, Tel:1-701-481-8950, or E-mail.
- Lou Shituo is in China on a business trip for three weeks, and Yao Qi will
go to China in November for three weeks to visit her family.
- Stanley
will take a trip with his Jr. High classmates to New Mexico and Utah
in mid-September. After the trip he will go to LA to meet Zhang Youhong, and to Houston
to meet Zhong Yixi.
(September 2004)
- Gao Xiongfei
and his wife are in New York. They are invited by the Memorial Association for Victims of The Nanking Massacre,
and will be back home in October.
Their daughter also give birth to their first grandchild, a boy, this month. Congratulations!
baby photos
(August 2004)
- Fang Shan
is visiting her daughter in Berlin now. She took a tour to Paris, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg
recently. She will take another tour to Austria and Italy before going back to
Beijing at the end of August.
(July 2004)
- Fan Weimin and wife will be back in Shanghai and Nanking in June, they will
stay for 5-6 month.
- Gui Zuhua's
"New Exploration on Calculus"
has been published by Shanghai Jiaotong University.
He will give classmate a copy if requested. [book review]
[Table of Contents]
(April 2004)
- Stanley and Meili Wang will visit Shanghai from April 28 to May 13, 2004.
They can be reached in Shanghai at 021-62752161.
(March 2004)
- Chen Tianping arrived
in Seattle recently for a conference. He then went to
Portland, WA visited his son who works there for Intel, and is now in
Cupertino, CA staying with another son who also works at Intel.
Tianping will stay until January 6. He can be reached via E-mail, or
call him at (408)873-1506.
While in the area he met Jin Ruichun and click here to see photos.
(January 2004)
- Gui Zuhua announced at the September Reunion that his
"New Exploration on Calculus" will be published by Shanghai Jiaotong University
at the end of this year. Many years of labor is finally paid off. Congratulations!
(October 2003)
- Stanley will go to China in September. He will first stop in Xi An for
couple of days together with Fan Shan, Zhou Benhua, Yao Qi, and Lou Shituo. He will then go to Shanghai
for the rest of his trip.
(August 2003)
- Stanley went to San Francisco and Los Angeles this summer,
he met Jin Ruichun, Zhang Youhong, his cousins, in-laws, friends and daughter.
(July 2003)
- Fang Shan
is in the US and just became a grandmother. Her daughter give birth to a healthy baby
boy (3500 grams) on the morning of April 20. Congratulations!
- Huang Youcong
and her husband are visiting their daughter in US again.
They arrived in February and will stay for few months. They welcome classmates to visit while in the area.
Their address in US is: 4 Yardley Manor Drive, Matawan, NJ 07747 (phone) 732-765-9512
(April 2003)
- Lou Shituo
went to Nigeria for business and pleasure.
(March 2003)
- 胡美琛 在春节期间去澳门与老公欢度春节,玩了十天,又在珠海玩了两天.
(February 2003)
- Stanley's younger daughter got married in January.
(January 2003)
- Reunion 2002
held in Beijing from September 19 thru 21. Photo
(September 2002)
- Ma Huaizu
is in the US visiting his niece, and sisters. He had been to Boston and is now in St. Louis.
He can be reached at (314) 385-2781 or
by E-mail. Late on he will go to Austin, Texas
to visit another sister, and back to China in Mid-August.
(July 2002)
- Gui Zhuhua
and his wife are visiting their daughter in the Washington, D.C. area. They will
stay for about four more months. He can be reached at (703) 481-4280 or
by E-mail.
On June 15, Gui Zhuhua and his family met Stanley, Meili, and Stanley's cousin
(she is visiting from South Africa) at the beautiful
Lognwood Gardens. (see photos)
While here in US Gui Zuhua continues his work on "Research On Calculus"
(See example). He welcomes classmates' comments.
- Jin Ruichun just moved recently, his
new address is click here.
- Yao Qi and Lou Shituo
will visit their son in Los Angeles in mid-June. They will meet Zhang Youhong
and Jennifer while in LA.
(June 2002)
- Bian Guorui
is retiring from NUS and going back to Shanghai
on May 11. His address in Shanghai is,
Hua Shan Lu
800 Long, No. 1
Apt. 1104
Shanghai 200050
(Tel) (86) 13004145695.
(April 2002)
- Stanley and Meili
will visit Shanghai from March 12, 2002 until March 25.
They can be reached at 62752161.
- Yao Qi and Lou Shituo
will visit Shanghai from March 1, 2002 until March 26.
They can be reached at 54032985.
- Zang Guocai
is visiting his daughter in the San Francisco bay area. He will
stay for about two more months. He can be reached at (408)719-8267.
(February 2002)
- Stanley & Meili
visited Miami in early January, stayed with Yao Qi and Lou Shituo for two days.
see photos
They also visited Los Angeles in late January. Zhang Yuhong & Janiffer drove them to Las Vegas for two days.
see photos
(January 2002)
- Jin Ruichun
visited Shanghai in December and classmates had reunion.
see photos
- Our classmate Jin Chaoren
passed away in December 2001, cause of death was heart attack.
Our deepest condolences to the family.
(December 2001)
- Wang Zhenyuan
got a regular position in the Department of Mathematics, U of Nebraska at Omaha.
His new address
- Ding Ren
is teaching a summer course at the University of Maine since July 12, and will be
finished on August 17. He and daughter Yimeng will visit New Jersey/New York from August 18
to August 21. They will be staying with Huang Youcong in Matawan, NJ and meet with Stanley for a
mini-reunion. Ding Ren will return home on September 3.
His address in Maine is:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
5752 Neville Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5752
E-mail: rding@math62.org
Picture albums: Maine
and New York
- Wang Zhenyuan
is invited back to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to continue
his research in Data Analysis from May 12 to August 25.
His address in H.K. is:
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
and his E-mail address is zywang@math62.org
(April 2001)
- Wang Zhenyuan
is visiting his twin daughters in New Jersey-New York
from March 16 to March 22. He will then lecturing in SUNY Binhamton on Friday March 23. He can be
reached by phone (914.683.0483) while in New York.
- Jin Ruichun's
new address is click here.
(March 2001)
- Huang Youcong
and her husband are visiting their daughter in US.
They will stay for the most of 2001. They welcome classmates to visit while in the area.
Their address in US is: 4 Yardley Manor Drive, Matawan, NJ 07747 (phone) 732-765-9512
(January 2001)
- Jin Ruichun
found a new job in Silicon Valley, California. He and his
wife have moved last December, and will announce their new address once settled.
(December 2000)
- Classmates in Shanghai
met on Oct. 14, 2000.
View Photos by Yao Qi
(November 2000)
- Reunion 2000 in North America
took place in Vancouver, B.C., Canada from June 24 through July 4. Participants were
Mr. & Mrs. Gu Kejing(Vancouver,Canada), Mr. & Mrs. Jin Ruichun(Michigan,USA),
Mr. & Mrs. Zhang Youhong(California,USA), & Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wang(New York,USA).
During the time the group toured Banff National Park, Glacier in the Canadian Rockies, Edmonton, Calgary
... in six days. They also visited Victory (Provincial capital of British Columbia) on the
Vancouver Island and the Vancouver City itself. After the reunion, Gu, Zhang, and Wang continued
their way south by driving through Washington state, the beautiful Oregon coast, Northern
California's redwood forest and parted at San Francisco.
View Photos(click on the picture to view the next one)
(July 2000)
- Chen Tianping
will be in Brain Science Institute in Japan from June till end of August.
He can be reached by E-mail.
(June 2000)
- Gao Xiongfei
will be in San Fracisco from March 3rd, 2000 till March 8th to attend an international
Sino-Japan relation meeting. He will visit New York City before going back to home.
Please support him and all victims of Japan's war
of aggression upon China.
(March 2000)
- Chen Shuxing
is visiting The Chinese University in Hong Kong until mid-March 2000. He can be
reached by E-mail.
(February 2000)
- Yao Qi and Lou Shituo
have moved into their new home in Miami. They welcome classmates to visit.
(November 1999)
- Fang Shan
attended her daughter's wedding early October in Pennsylvania, USA.
She then visited New York, New Jersey, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. She
is back in Beijing early November.
(September 1999)
- Professor Tan Jiazhen (C.C. Tan)
Director, Institute of Genetics was elected to Honorary Life Membership by
the New York Acdemy of Sciences in its 1999 business meeting.
Yao Qi and Lou Shituo
have moved from Canada to Miami. Yao Qi is now doing
research on hurricane instead of iceberg at the NOAA.
- Zhang Wen
is visiting his daughter in Massachusette, US. He has been
to New York City for four days, and will be back to Shanghai on September 12.
- Shen Chunli
is visiting his son in Singapore and will be back in mid-September.
- Gu Kejing
and wife visited Eastcoast US and Canada in late July.
(July 1999)
- Our classmate Wang Zhenpeng
passed away in late May after a long illness.
Our deepest condolences to the family.
(June 1999)
- Gui Zuhua
is visiting his daughter in US.
(May 1999)
- Reunion 1999
(April 1999)
- Reunion 1999
will be held in Shanghai from April 30 to May 3.
(March 1999)
- Zang Guocai
is visiting his second daughter in Indiana, USA. He will
stay from October 1998 until August 1999. He can be reached at (765)868-3121.
(October 1998)
- Zhou Benhua and Mao Yuhua
have just became grandparents. Their
daughter give birth to a baby girl weighted 3500 grams on August 24. Congratulations!
(August 1998)
- 1998 NA Reunion is now over. Everyone attended had a
great time. Zhou Benhua and Mao Yuhua have left for Vancouver, Canada and will visit
Banff National Park for 5 days and 4 nights before going back home to Beijin on August 14.
Please check here for the reunion report and lots of pictures.
- Zhou Benhua
and his wife Mao Yuhua have arrived in New York on
July 10, Saturday. They visited Yuhua's cousin, and met her nephew, niece and their children
on Sunday.[see photo]. Monday and Tuesday, they went to Niagara Fall.
Wednesday, and Thursday they toured Washington, D.C. area. They will go to Rhode Island on
Tuesday, July 21 for a week. They will then back in New York for three days before going
to the Reuion in Denver on July 30.
- Yuan Cai
arrived in New York City on July 9, 1998
for an official visit. Stanley Wang met him for an hour in the evening. Yuan Cai told
Stanley the 1999 Reunion is definitely on, and will be held in May tentatively.
The exact date will be decided base on maximum attendance. He is going to Washington, D.C.
on Friday, July 10th. He will also visit Florida, and Los Angeles before going back
to Shanghai by the end of July.
- North America Reunion 1998
will be held from July 30 to August 7 in Denver, Colorado.
The plan is to meet in
Denver, and visit Yellowstone National Park,
Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, and many more.
Classmates who plan to visit US or Canada during the summer are welcome to join, and should send
email to our reunion coordinator
Yao Qi to state your visiting dates and plan.
- Zhou Benhua
and his wife Mao Yuhua have arrived in Los Angels, California
on July 5, 1998, they will visit San Diego, Las Vegas, and Grand Cayon before
travel to New York, Boston, Washington, D. C. and other places. Late they will join the Reunion in
Denver and spend a week in Vancouver, Canada before going back to Beijing on August 14.
Their daughter is expecting a child in August, and that's why they can't stay longer in
(July 1998)
- Chen Tianping
is in Japan now, and will stay until August 24.
And here are some pictures
(1, 2,
(June 1998)
- Zhang Youhong
and his wife Jennifer just moved to their
new home, and here is their new address and phone number.
18807 Ashley Place
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
(April 1998)
- Yao Qi
arrived in Beijing on March 29(see letter from Beijing) and
is going to Shanghai(see letter from Shanghai) now.
- Yao Qi
will visit China late this month. She will
leave Halifax on March 27,
staying one night in Vancouver to visit Gu Kejing. She will
arrive in Beijing on March 29. While in Beijing she will stay with Fang Shan for
two days and spend the remaining days in Shanghai. She will be back in Halifax on April 13.
(March 1998)
- Jin Ruichun
is back at home in Michigan. While in Shanghai he met many classmates and brought back
with him pictures and letters. You can write to him at:
40844 Gulliver Drive
Sterling Heights, MI 48310
- Cui Shaonong
visited her parents in Parsippany,
New Jersey since May. She stayed until November 7 and is back in China now.
Her address in China is:
23-606 East China Metallurgical Institute
Ma An Shan, An Hui
P.R.O. China 243002
- Fang Shanshan
visited her daughter in Germantown, Maryland, USA from
July through October.
Her daughter received a Masters in Chemical Engineering from Penn State and is
working now for Bechtel in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
During her stay she visited many friends and classmates in
Ohio, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York. She is back in Beijing
now and planed to visit again in a year or two.
(November 1997)
- Gu Kejing
visited Shanghai and Beijing during the summer.
He is back in Vancouver now. You can write to him at:
#403, 4950 Joyce Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada, V5R 4G7
- Hu Meichen
and her husband vacationed in Zhangjiajie, Hunan this summer. She said the place is
beautiful and everyone should visit it. Ask her to show you the photos she has taken.
(August 1997)
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