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- 12/20/2020 王庆华来函 2012年市西57屆同學聚會.
(February 2013)
- 9/15/2012 市西美东校友会在纽约发拉盛牡丹宴会厅与St.John's联谊舞餐聚会,与会校友有:朱元美.康端霖.茅鼎华.张敬耕.莫美珍.刘治群.冯逸.王汝龙.俞顺风.杜坚及其家眷.冯鸿泉和其亲友等。会上分发了上海寄来的"校友通讯",享用丰盛午餐的同时彼此交流了养生等感兴趣的话题,和即席交谊舞.及文娱表演:女高音独唱.女声二重唱.京剧(霸王别姬).拉丁舞表演等,最后抽奖,多位校友中奖,大家尽兴而归。Click here for photos
(September 2012)
- 应圣约翰大学校友会之邀,美东市西校友参与6/18/11在纽约法拉盛牡丹厅举行的餐舞会,校友张敬耕.杜坚及家属.刘新鹤夫妇.刘治群.冯逸.肖培华.茅鼎华夫妇.冯鸿泉.康端霖.还有从BOSTON赶来的四八届85高龄的校友毛培君及夫人等。彼此交流.畅谈,气氛融洽.亲切,在餐舞会开始时就有电子琴伴奏,跳起了交谊舞,持续到用餐结束,然后表演节目开始:越剧\"红楼梦\"对唱,民歌演唱,探戈表演......,最后,抽奖活动,冯逸.杜坚.毛培君得到了奖品,临结束时互道下次再见。.Click here for photos.
(June 2011)
- 美东校友於2月26日在Elmhurst(因故改在)佰鲜酒家举行新春聚会,出席的市西校友有:康端霖.张敬耕夫妇.王汝龍.莫美珍.刘治群.冯逸.刘新鹤夫妇.冯鸿泉.杜坚夫妇及家属等,大家互祝新春快乐,在欢快的气氛中叙友情,尤其是今秋在沪将举行65周年市西校庆一事甚为关切,会上开始发放北京校友会制作.邮来的<校友信息>,为减轻他们的负担,纷掏腰包,并感谢北京校友会,在融洽的氛围中遍吃遍谈古今中外,会后相约以后舞会再见.Click here for photos.
(February 2011) - 2010年上海市西中学57届同学会:Report & Photos.
(December 2010)
- September 11, 2010: St. John's University Alumni again invited Shixi classmates to join their Mid-year Party. Twelve alumni and their family attended.
Click here for photos.
(September 2010)
- March 6, 2010: St. John's University Alumni again invited Shixi classmates to join their New Year Party. Sixteen alumni and their family attended.
Click here for photos.
(March 2010)
- Stanley visited Shanghai in October/November and met with classmates 施永龄, 冯学敬, 王自矞, and 陈关春; he also visited the Old Shixi and the new ShiXi's construction site. Click here for photos.
(November 2009)
- 孟蔚彦報道:
九月十三日正午,圣约翰校友会假座纽约法拉盛牡丹亭宴会厅聚会,邀请市西中学校友一同联欢。市西中学校友共十六位出席。于是四七届的校友和大半四七年出生的六六,六七届的校友得以欢聚一堂。聚会内容丰富,安排紧凑,音乐舞蹈,余兴节目,抽奖礼物,处处体现组织者的独到匠心。方关君代表市西中学校友即席发言。第一,感谢圣约翰同学会给市西中学校友提供了聚会的平台,第二,正值中秋佳节临近之际,此时此刻,身在异乡遥想故乡的明月,正是别有滋味在心头;第三,即兴表演海派清口 “怕老婆”,全场捧腹大笑。下午三时,聚会结束,依依惜别时,圣约翰的会长已经安排下一次聚会:相约2010。
Click here for photos.
(September 2009)
- It's spring time and classmates are busy planning for get-togethers, any classmates in the area please call and join for the fun. And don't forget to check here for reports and photos.
- Stanley met with 王庆华 in Pasadena's Huntington Library on April 17. 庆华's daughter treated Stanley, Meili, his daughter EE and son-in-law Luke a best seafood dinner in San Gabriel's Newport Seafood Restaurant .
- Early May (3rd to 9th) there will be quit a gathering in LA too. Winnie from DC, David from New York, 王庆华 local, and 陈承垲 from Austria and their spouses will have a grand reunion. And here is the report by 陈承垲. Click here for photos.
- On May 30th Julian and wife DK visited New York/White Plains, met with David, Stanley and their many friends. They visited Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York City and the Pepsi Sculpture Garden in Purchase near White Plains. On June 8th they together with Stanley & Meili drove back to Dearborn Heights. Stanley & meili stayed there for two days, visited Ford Museum and had a best Shanghai style dinner in years. They went on to Chicago for their son-in-law's graduation. Click here for photos.
(April/May 2009)
- 陈子毅, 冯鸿泉: 1月31日[年初六]市西校友美东分会搞了一次新春聚会活动,在校友康端霖先生互动下与圣约翰大学校友会一起在纽约法拉盛的东王朝酒楼举办了餐舞会,参加的校友有:董旭华,彭国荣,康端霖,肖培华,张敬耕,黄家权,荣省立,王汝龙,杜坚,冯鸿泉等及他们的家属多人,与会者互道新年好及交流彼此近况。在张敬耕先生和康端霖先生提议下:因工作需要增选王汝龙先生参与美东校友会的组织工作,经协商後大家一致同意。餐舞会除有丰盛的午宴和欢乐的交谊舞外,还有歌曲演唱和专业人士表演的新疆舞,魔术表演,最後是抽奖活动,有几位校友得奖。一直进行到下午3点30分才结束,大家在欢乐的气氛中离席.
(January 2009)
- Winnie and Stanley attended Julian's surprise 70th birthday party given by his two daughters in Dearborn, Michigan on September 12.
Report by Winnie,
Party photos & Stanley's thoughts on 'going on seventy'.
- 57届2008年同学会及北京29届奥运会报告.
(September 2008)
- 冯鸿泉, 陈子毅:
附上最近更新的美东地区校友通讯录. 这次我们分会的名单中增加了两名校友: 一位是陈明三先生, 一位是莫美珍女士. 陈明三先生的工作是: "work for NOAA US DOC, operating weather satellite". 莫美珍女士是最近由香港移民来美国, 这次出席了在纽约的聚会.
陈明三先生不久前曾访问母校, 附上陈先生在母校"传家楼"前拍摄的照片. 左起第三人是市西校友总会徐九如先生, 第四人是陈明三先生. (他们同为六零届校友).
- 陈子毅:
这次聚会 (6-28-08) 中有两位校友刘新鹤和莫美珍, 首次出席我们的聚会活动, 虽然初次见面但是校友之间绝无隔阂. 因为我们总有一个共同的话题: 回忆母校和教过我们的老师.。我们也谈论了校友会成员的最新动向。值得一提的是刘元本先生的作品
《一个红色的蝴蝶结》取得“汉新文学”的佳作奬,刊载在六月《汉新月刊》上。新泽西州以外大约不容易购到这份杂志,因此将此文用MS Word格式输入电脑,并转发给各位校友。
- 美东地区校友分会部分校友六月二十八日在纽约中城万寿宫聚会. 附上聚会时所拍的照片一幅. 餐桌前中间左方是荣省立夫人, 右方是王汝龙夫人. 餐桌后排左起: 李中, 朱立德, 肖培华, 刘新鹤, 陈子毅, 康端霖, 莫美珍, 荣省立, 王汝龙.
photo and more photos.
(July 2008)
- Congratulations to the newly grads - Patrick & Angela Li
(May 2008)
- 市西中学美东校友会于本月十六日星期六(年初十)中午举行新春聚会.
(February 2008)
Las Vegas Reunion
(December 2007)
We meet in Shanghai again
(November 2007)
Acoma Sky City - where we visited 2 1/2 years ago.
Read the article from the Preservation magazine.
(March 2007)
Alumni from the East Coast met in Flushing, New York on February 25.
Click for the report by 陈子毅('64) and photo.
(February 2007)
Wang & Wang summit meeting took place in Pasadena, California on January 4, 2007.
Click for the report and photo.
(January 2007)
Allan Wang came back from Shanghai recently. He attended the reunion at "Shixi 60 years" in early October.
Click here
for his reunion report, and don't forget to view the photos.
(December 2006)
Read Winnie's "Report on DC Reunion".
(July 2005)
Dr. Zhu, David, and Stanley Wang and wives will travel to D.C. on April 2.
They will stay with Chens in Vienna, VA.. They will spend two days in
Williamsburg, stay at the
Williamsburg at Kingsgate, and the rest in D.C.
(March 2005)
Julian and wife are going to Indianapolis on November 14, since their younger
daughter is expecting their third grandchild soon. Stanley and wife are going to Chicago on
Thanksgiving and will stop in Indianapolis to visit them.
(November 2004)
Chens, Zhus, and three Wangs took to the Southwestern USA for twelve days.
more photos,
and many more.
Trip Report (Chinese) by Chen Wenru.
Trip Report (English) by Chen Wenru.
(October 2004)
David and Jenny Li have progress report of their twins at four month check-up.
Patrick - 18 pounds 2 ounces and 27 inches;
Angela - 13 pounds 12 ounces and 25 3/4 inches.
(April 2004)
Winnie Chen will be in Philadelphia late April and plan to visit Jin Huzhen in Audubon, PA.
Wang Qing Hua will go to Shanghai in eary May and return to US in September.
Julian Zhu and Stanley Wang will meet in Hong Kong from
April 24 - 27. They will travel together to Shanghai and meet other classmates there.
West Coast Class Reunion: Class president Winnie Chen and Dr. Qing Hua Wang met on March 18, 2004
in Pasadena, California. They discussed various aspects of the alumni activities and will issue a decision on this
fall's trip to the Southwestern USA. The meeting ended in local time 6 pm.
(March 2004)
David and Jenny Li have progress report of their twins at two month check-up.
Patrick - 14 pounds and 25 1/4 inches;
Angela - 10 pounds 12 ounces and 23 inches.
(February 2004)
David and Stanley Wang with their wives drove from New York City
to Dearborn Heights
(outside of Detroit), Michigan on January 9, 2004. They stayed at
Julian Zhu's house until the 12th. Together they visited
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
the North American International Auto Show,
sightseeing Detroit on
the People Mover,
tried their luck at the Greektown Casino, and dined out
with Julian, Ding Kun and their elder daughter’s family in a German
restaurant. At home Julian and Ding Kun cooked a banquet upon Wang's arrival.
In the evenings, all watched highly rated movies from the Zhu's interesting DVD collection. And
the best is, of course, get together enjoy each other's company and having all
the wonderful conversations. And all are look forward to a bigger reunion
in Washington, D.C. in the coming March.
See Photos
,More Photos
(January 2004)
David and Jenny Li (Jin Huzhen's daughter & son-in-law) are thrilled to announce the arrival of their twin babies:
Patrick Matthew and Angela Janet. They arrived at 8:00am and 8:01 am
on Nov 26, 2003 at Bryn Mawr hospital in Pennsylvania. The boy was 7lb
1oz, 20 inches, and the girl was 5lb 9oz, 20 inches. Both mom and
babies are doing fine.
(November 2003)